Seychelles weather

Whenever you go to the Seychelles, bright sun, hot sand and the warm ocean are always here for you. In fact, summer in Seychelles is everlasting!

Of course there are seasons in Seychelles but the temperature is comfortable for sunbathing and swimming for a full 12 months (+27 °С), and the water temperature is only one degree lower. The archipelago is located close to the equator so the change of seasons is hardly felt.

Local climate may be divided into two seasons: dry and wet. The relative humidity is around 80% during the year. The wet season lasts from November to April while the dry season starts in May and lasts until October.

Knowledge of the seasonality and weather patterns in Seychelles will help you to choose the travel dates. It`s important to remember that Seychelles is located in the Southern Hemisphere: seasons there are opposite to the Northern hemisphere.

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Seychelles winter: June, July, August

June is the peak of the dry season and the beginning of the tropical winter. Occasional rains bring relaxing refreshment. In July and August the southeast monsoons protect the islands from the rainfalls. The winds get stronger, which makes the ocean quite restless, high waves appear. What could be better for windsurfing and sailing? Other recommended activities for Seychelles winter are diving and snorkeling.

One more interesting winter entertainment is birdwatching. At this time of the year, Seychelles birds nest and feed their offspring. Here you can observe some of the planet`s rarest birds as well as some of the world’s greatest tropical seabird colonies.

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Seychelles spring: September, October, November

Spring weather in Seychelles is changeable and unpredictable. In September, brief rains and sunshine change each other. October is the last month of the tropical winter and its weather conditions are ideal. In November, the ocean is mostly calm, but the huge waves appear out of nowhere from time to time. The average temperature reaches 30 °С, but the light fresh breeze is a savior from heat.

After the ocean calms down surfing season is over. As for diving and snorkeling – the weather couldn`t be better!

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Seychelles summer: December, January, February

Seychelles summer is hot and humid when the temperature is at its highest: often over 30 °С in the daytime, and at night it drops to 27 °С. Tropical showers are heavy but brief: they fall from the sky like a wall of water! But right after the rain the sun comes out and shines even brighter. The highest precipitation tends to amount fall in January.

Summertime in Seychelles is favourable for fishing, snorkeling and sailing.

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Seychelles autumn: March, April, May

March is the end of the rain season in Seychelles, although you still can be caught by the occasional shower. In April, the sky is clear and the waves are small. The dry season begins in May - the sunniest month of the year with the lowest precipitation. May is considered to be the most comfortable period for Seychelles holidays. It`s warm, but not hot, a soft breeze blows – ideal conditions for sunbathing.

The Ocean in autumn is the calmest, the best time for snorkeling, diving, fishing and other water sport activities. Beginner surfers will also appreciate this so if you are an experienced surfer who wants to catch high waves it`s better to choose winter.

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If you keep thinking which time is the best to visit Seychelles, it's impossible to make a mistake: you`ll get an adventure of a lifetime in any weather!

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