Seychellen-Inseln im Oktober

Seychelles are ideal for vacations all year round due to their close location to the equator. That's why you will have an unforgettable holiday on the islands in October.

Seychelles weather in October

October in Seychelles is a transitional month: summer replaces winter. During this period, the average temperature is 30... 31 degrees during the day and 26-27 degrees Celsius at night.

Weather in Seychelles in October is stable - it is unlikely that you will face a sudden change in temperature. October can be called almost windless month. Rain clouds are forming in the northern part of the archipelago to start the wet season. Rains in this period quickly begin and also quickly end, returning heat and sunlight. Rains in this period quickly begin and also quickly stop with returning heat and sunlight.

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Things to do in Seychelles in October

Relatively windless weather and calm ocean create excellent conditions for water sports such as diving and snorkeling.

For fans of fishing, October is a great opportunity to catch big fish in the Indian Ocean - barracuda, reef shark, several species of tuna, gold mackerel and snapper.

October in Seychelles is the period of birds’ migration, so this month you can enjoy bird watching, the diversity and abundance of their species. Only here you will be lucky to see a Seychelles blue pigeon, scops owl or paradise flycatcher.

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The Creole Festival – one of the most famous and large-scale events in Seychelles – takes place in October. It's a great way to get to know the local culture, take part in parades, processions, watch theater shows or dance marathons. On the Beau Vallon beach on Sundays there is a family holiday, where you can listen to Creole music, enjoy the dishes and drinks of the national cuisine.

More Seychelles entertainments in October:

• Relax and sunbathe on one of the beaches, swim in the Indian Ocean.
• Visit the Vallee de Mai Park and see the symbol of the republic - the unique coco de mer palm.
• Visit St. Anne's National Marine Park to explore Seychelles wildlife.
• Hang out in the Seychelles capital Victoria, see local sights and buy souvenirs.

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If you are the lucky one who goes to the Seychelles in October, you are guaranteed to enjoy an unforgettable holiday with perfect weather and gentle Indian Ocean.

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