Top 5 Gesunde Früchte der Seychellen

Do you know the reason why Seychellois rarely get sick, and those tourists who spend at least two weeks on the islands significantly improve health? It`s all about the local fruits which are good for health and grow there all year round. Islanders eat fresh fruits every day and thus get all the essential vitamins and minerals. Here is the list of top Seychelles fruits to boost the immune system.

Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a real treasure for health. It contains potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, fluorine, folic acid, B1, B3, B5, B6, C, E vitamins. Just imagine: so many valuable elements in a fruit.

Passion fruit helps to enhance immune system, facilitates the recovery from serious illnesses and lung diseases.


It's the largest fruit in the world. Moreover, jackfruit is an essential source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and lipids.


It contains vast amount of vitamin С and antioxidants that help to enhance the immune system, fight with colds and viruses and protect from cancerous diseases. In addition, the fruit improves skin condition, activates hair growth, enhances eyesight and provides plenty energy.


Coconuts is the symbol of Seychelles. It is popular not only for the exotic taste but also for its useful properties. .

Lauric acid enhances organism functions, immune system, raises resistance to different infections, speeds up metabolism. Coconut milk improves the condition of skin, hair, bones and nails.

A coconut is a perfect alternative to sweets for kids.


Starfruit for Seychellois is as common as apples for Europeans and Americans. It contains a high dose of vitamin C that resists viruses and infections, making the fruit the best for health.

Seychelles fruit

It contains a high dose of vitamin C that resists viruses and infections, making the fruit the best for health.

Soluble fiber contained in starfruit facilitates the processes of digestion, the antioxidants reduce risk of cancer development and the minerals strengthen bones.

The fruit is also used as a medicine against cough and sore throat.

15 varieties of bananas

A banana is one of the best fruits for health. It contains microelements that improve brain functions and strengthen vessel walls. The fruit is perfect for kids from the very early age due to the lack of allergens.

There are 15 types of bananas in Seychelles, moreover you can enjoy it fresh, fried, baked or even flambé – there are plenty of creative banana dishes in the local cuisine.


We told you about top 5 popular Seychelles fruits – in fact, there are much more. But even if you manage to taste only these five you will definitely strengthen your health and immune system!

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